Most stock photos are simply ridiculous, often only a first cousin once removed from the creepy Stepford mutants in Soundgarden’s Black Hole Sun video. Oh yeah, and they’re the bane of every creative person’s existence. If we had a nickel for every minute we’ve spent trying to find stock photos “that would be appropriate for [fill in the blank].”

Family celebrating daughter's birthday --- Image by © HBSS/Corbis

That’s why we nearly fell out of our chair laughing today when we ran across the work of Matt Vescovo, better known as the Stock Photobomber. Matt Photoshop bombs his way into ridiculous stock photos, and the result is easily the funniest thing you’ll see on the Internet all week. Check him out on Tumblr and Twitter.

Young couple sitting on bed and kissing --- Image by © Felix Wirth/Corbis

Now switch back to your Excel window, because if your boss catches you surfing the Internet researching the culture of digital natives again, it’s going to cost you your red Swingline stapler.